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we offer unrefined sunflower oil

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Dear customers!

We offer you Russian high-quality sunflower oil produced in the Altai Territory, unrefined hot double-pressed oil, we produce one thousand five hundred tons 1500 tons per month at our company. Our oil is made from selected sunflower seeds grown in ecologically clean fields.
Our sunflower oil has a delicate taste and aroma, as well as a high content of vitamins and useful trace elements. It is ideal for frying, baking, making sauces and dressings.
We guarantee the quality of our products and offer them at an affordable price.
Order our sunflower oil right now and get an excellent product for cooking healthy dishes
If you are interested in our offer, we will send you certificates for our products, specify the price when you request, the price for our products is given on the spot without delivery , we discuss all other issues, logistics , packaging,oil can be poured into small containers, or in bulk in a marine 20-foot container with flexitank. We look forward to your inquiries by email or messenger (IMO, WhatsApp, telegram, WeChat, Viber: +79132494942). ( omega13rm@gmail. com )
ايها العملاء!

نحن نقدم لك زيت عباد الشمس عالي الجودة ، زيت غير مكرر ، ضغط مزدوج ساخن من شركتنا. يتكون زيتنا من بذور عباد الشمس المختارة المزروعة في حقول نظيفة بيئيا.

زيت عباد الشمس لدينا له طعم ورائحة حساسة ، ويحتوي أيضا على نسبة عالية من الفيتامينات والعناصر النزرة المفيدة. إنه مثالي للقلي والخبز وصنع الصلصات والضمادات.

ونحن نضمن جودة منتجاتنا وتقديمها بأسعار في متناول الجميع.

اطلب زيت عباد الشمس الآن واحصل على منتج رائع لطهي طعام صحي ولذيذ!

№ 8028348, Размещено 12 августа
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